1. How long have you and Darek been dating?
That’s a complicated one. The short version is 10 years on and off. But to be more specific, we dated nonstop for three and a half years, broke up for five and a half, and now have been dating for the past seven months.
That was back in high school. We met winter of my freshman year (his junior year), dated until I graduated in 2002 and then broke up the following summer. We had both been each other’s only serious relationship, and decided that we needed to go our separate ways. I wanted to start college as a single girl, and I was pretty sure that I’d find my future husband there – not in the Maine East fieldhouse. Interestingly enough, I remember explaining why Darek and I broke up, and saying, “There wasn’t really anything wrong; I just don’t think he’s the one for me. But he’s a great guy – I would write him a recommendation for another girl!”
We hadn’t seen or spoken to each other in five years when Darek called me one day last November to catch up. I had become single that July and was living in Detroit. He was also single and living in Chicago. We chatted briefly on the phone (what do you say to someone you haven’t seen in five years?) and then went our separate ways. Then in December, Darek called and asked if I was going to be home for the holidays, and whether I’d mind if he stopped by my family’s house. I said sure, and he came over on Christmas day. After a somewhat awkward reintroduction, he invited me to stop by his family’s house to say hi. This was all quite formulaic until the drive back from his parents'.
He’s everything I could ever ask for in a husband, and more. I am 110 percent positive that I will never find another guy who loves me this much, treats me this well and makes me this happy. I know I could never love anyone the way I love him.
We haven’t picked one for sure, but we’re looking at next summer. I’ll keep you posted. :)