Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'll be home for Christmas, but I'm sure not driving there

So the plan for today was to wake up early, load my car and be on my merry way to Chicago. Since my knees are still screwed up and I need lots of get-out-and-stretch stops, I had planned a whole road-trip itinerary: a shopping break in Jackson, a YMCA break in Kalamazoo, a wine-tasting break in Paw Paw, and whatever other coffee/food/bathroom breaks I deemed necessary. I'm not joking -- I even MapQuested the Y in KZoo! Sure, it would've taken me till 10 p.m. to get home, but at least it would've been a fun and productive day.

After stuffing my car with everything from laundry to my laptop to my beloved foam roller, I made my way through downtown Royal Oak. Halfway down Washington, I remembered that I needed a couple of things from CVS, so I turned down a side street that happened to feature a railroad crossing. I got stuck. On the tracks.

I seriously felt like I was in some kind of horrible scene from a movie. I kept switching back and forth between drive and reverse, but my car would not move. This went on a for a good minute or so, and not a single person behind me got out of their car to help me! When I finally broke free, I was so freaked out that I went straight back to my apartment. No way was I going to drive to Chicago now.

The one good thing about being stuck on the train tracks is it reminded me that I could always take Amtrak instead. Fortunately, I was able to get a ticket for the 5:30 p.m. train for only $32. If I were smarter, I would have just done that in the first place. No wine-tasting stops to look forward to, but much safer -- as long as we don't hit some poor driver who's stuck on the tracks!

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