Monday, March 8, 2010

Plant-atarian for a week

Have you ever severely limited what types of foods you consumed for several days at a time?

My mom recently forwarded me an email regarding the benefits of a fruit-filled diet. According to the email's author, eating fruits and veggies by themselves allows you to absorb more nutrients than when your produce is mixed in with other food groups. I am not usually one to buy into fad diets or deprival detoxes, but this claim piqued my interest.

The author advocated sticking to an all-fruit diet for three days and noting how much more energy you had. To me, this sounded like an exciting challenge. I love fresh fruit, and I wouldn't mind experimenting with my diet for a few days -- what did I have to lose?

I told Darek about my plan, and he agreed to give it a try, too, so yesterday we stocked up on produce (veggies, too) and enojoyed our last real meal until Thursday. I am really curious to see how this goes, and to be honest, a bit skeptical. While it may be true that Vitamin C from an orange is more readily absorbed on an empty stomach, how would my active body react without the protein and iron it is accustomed to? And would I be super cranky without my beloved carbs?

We shall see ...

Today I have eaten (as of 2:30 p.m.):
Bowl of fruit salad (strawberries, bananas, grapes, kiwi, blueberries)
Spinach salad with tomates, cucumbers, peppers, red onions, avocado, apple
A few strawberries
Glass of orange/carrot/apple juice
Bowl of broccolli

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